With Oakley's new found freedom I find myself digging through my kitchen drawers in hopes of finding his bibs. No one told me once you put them away there would come a time when you need to get them back out...for the same child. Oakley has been feeding himself for some time now, but when it comes to the real messy foods I've been a little bit of a control freak. I've insisted on helping him because unless I do I know what kind of mess I'll have to clean up. I admit I'm trying to keep my messes to a minimum. Between poopy diapers, baby barf, and the common sticky hands and face I don't have much more to give.
He has also become insistent on having a "whole" whatever it is. For example if you break a graham cracker into smaller pieces for him, he no longer wants it. Funny story, Oakley was eating a chocolate chip cookie and decided to show my mom what he was eating by sticking it in her face. My mom misunderstood and thought he was sharing it with her, so she took a bite. You would have thought the world had ended the way that kid started wailing. My gosh I thought for sure he lost a leg or something. Needless to say Nana will not make that mistake again. Apparently it was a "look don't touch" kind of situation.
Easton. What can I say about my sweet baby boy? I have to admit I was kind of scared about having number 2. You know because everyone always says number 2 is usually the trouble maker. I realize it's way too soon to tell and yes I could very well eat my words, but right now I can honestly say he's a good baby. Don't get me wrong, he does have his fussy times and one of those times is usually during Oakley's bath time, but other than that it's the typical "I'm hungry" and "I'm tired". One of my frustrations when Oakley was a baby was that he was such a light sleeper. Everything woke him up. Not Easton. This kid will sleep through anything and if it does startle him and wake him from his slumber he just simply closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. I love the fact that he likes to snuggle and take naps with me. Again, I realize not a good habit, but he's still roomless and for some reason he will not nap in his bassinet. Hey I do what I gotta do. There's nothing like holding and snuggling a newborn especially when he coo's and gurgles at me. Yes, he started talking this week. I have a feeling my house will not be quiet for some time.
Beautiful boys Nene! Oh isn't this fun???