Oakley & I woke up this morning to a yard filled with beautiful snow. Now I love the snow, but trying to shovel it when you're 6 months pregnant sucks. We had to run a few errands so I
bundled the kido up and we took off. When we got home Oakley was kind of sleepy so I figured it would be the perfect time for a nap. Well, I got him out of his car seat and he took one look at the snow and immediately wanted down so he could play in it. So much for nap time. Just when I thought we were going to get back
on schedule from the time change. For those of you that don't know, Oakley has become quite the outdoorsy kid. If you let him outside don't plan on coming back inside for at least a 1/2 hour and no it doesn't matter what the weather is like. With it snowing all day yesterday he didn't get to go out even with his persistent begging at the door. So once his feet hit the ground he did not want to come inside this afternoon. I let him help me finish shoveling
and when I say help I mean scoot snow around the ground. I waited until his feet were soaking wet and his hands were numb before I suggested going inside. Amazing that I didn't get any push back. I guess everyone has their limits.
PS...Happy Birthday Jack & Porter!
He's a cutie! I can't believe you're 6 months along already! When are we getting together?