The tech said he was yawning, but it looks like he's screaming.
This weekend my girlfriend Wendie flew out for a visit. I always try to plan at least one thing for us to do. It usually ends up with us shopping, but hey that's fun too. This time around I scheduled an appointment with Fetal Fotos. We did it with Oakley and when we went in to find out if Baby H is a boy or girl the doctors machine wasn't working so we didn't get a video of the baby. :-( Josh, the loving husband that he is, humored me and we all went to the appointment. The baby was such a good boy that we got some amazing shots. I think he totally looks like Oakley in one of them so it'll be neat to see what the little bugger looks like. My doctor made it clear to me that he doesn't like his patients going to Fetal Fotos because he said they usually come back freaked out about something. With Oakley it wasn't a problem, but in some of the shots of Baby H it looks like the cord is around his neck and in other shots it looks like it's just laying over his shoulder. The ultrasound tech didn't seem concerned, but I know if I ask my doctor he's going to be upset with me. Oh, what to do? Anyway, it was a great weekend and it was wonderful to see Wendie again. Oakley loves his Aunt Winnie so much he cried when she left this time. So sad.
I can't believe you're so close to having another little bambino! The pictures are amazing! He looks like a cutie! I hope you are feeling well.